The Sisters:
Near the end of the book the protagonist Huck is faced with a problem. The men he is traveling with are attempting to con these two sisters out of their money by saying that they are there dead father’s brothers. Huck is brought into the con and needs to make a decision of whether to help the sisters or go through with the con. Huckeventually decides to help the sisters by telling the captain that they are cons and taking the money back from the cons and giving ittothe sisters. By doing this for the sisters Huck takes a step forward to becoming a true man because he is doing the right thing like a gentlemen would. By helping the sisters Huck is protecting the innocent and not taking advantage of them eve if the gain is great riches.
The Pipe:
The Pipe in Huck Finn is a symbol of freedom and part of being free is no longer being a child and becoming a man. Huck smokes a pipe throughout the story but his caregiver does not approve. Generally when a teen moves out of the house he starts to become a man because he leaves his house and has the freedom to take any path he chooses. Huck is given that freedom much earlier then any other normal boy. Because of this he is forced to become a man and create his own morals. When Huck is faced with this challenge he chooses the right one and sets himself on the road of being good.
The Mississippi:
After the start of the book Huck begins his journey on the Mississippi with Jim. The Trip brings many trials for Huck. Huck has to decide things like whether to help Jim get to the free states and things like if he should let the two men onto the raft with them. Throughout the book Huck makes bad decisions and good ones, in the end Hucks decision way out to be good though. As Huck and Jim traveled down the Mississippi they encountered family feuds and cons were Huck sometimes made bad decisionslike conning a town but he helped the sisters instead of pulling of a giant con. When down to it Huck chose the path of being a good man and doingthe right thing instead of the thing, which would of, made him richer and his life much easier. The Mississippi brought Huck the closer to being a man more then anything else in the book.
The Free States:
The Free States were where Jim wanted to go to in the story so he could earn enough money to buy his family back. The place Jim wanted to go was Cario and in order to do that all you had to do was take a raft down the Mississippi. On the trip down the river with Jim Huck had to face men trying to find runaway slaves he had to lye his way into saving Jim. After lying to the men Huck felt bad because at that time saving a slave was not seen as such a good dead. By doingthis favor to Jim it made Huck a better man because he was risking his own well beingforanother man. By the end of the book Jim and Huck are good friends showing that Huck broke the racial boundary and liked Jim for who he was. Doing something like breaking the racial boundary at that time was a big step forward to becoming a good man it was just not seen that was by most at the time.
School is a big trial in kids most kids lives. Huck makes the wrong choice by skipping and doing poorly. When the book begins Huck is living a fairly normal life with school and every day responsibilities. Huck starts the book off as a worse person then he ends as. By skipping school it shows the reader Huck has little regard for responsibilities. This makes it clear that Huck is constantly improving himself throughout the book.
Hucks Father:
Hucks father is a character but also a very important piece to the story. Hucks father is more a kick start the plot of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. He makes Huck make his first big decision by forcing him to run away. By doing this he sends him on his path to becoming a man. Hucks father is also a symbol of what Huck could become if he does not do the right things so he also sends Huck in the right direction in fear that Huck will become the same as his father. On the top it seems that Hucks father did only bad in the book but on another level he could have been the one who turned Huck into a man in the first place.